Eddie Castillo: Eddie is living in Corpus Christi and wants to say Hi to everyone. You might want to visit his homepage http://hometown.aol.com/enc1129/myhomepage/profile.html. Email Eddie at enc1129@aol.com.
Raul Guajardo: Raul is living in McAllen and went to Pan Am for two years. He enlisted in the Army for 4 years and is now back at Pan Am where he is a Senior. He's working with a minor league baseball team this summer. Raul is married and they have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. Email him at guajardo4@aol.com.
Victoria Perez: Victoria is living in Houston and wants to hear from all that knows her. Email Victoria at vikperez@hotmail.com.
Paul E. Chavez: Paul is currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada and would love to hear from friends and classmates. Email him at Chavezpe@c-b.com.